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Consignment Terms and Conditions


YOU MUST AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT IF YOU WISH TO CONSIGN OR SELL GOODS AT NEST PROPER OR ON SHOPNESTPROPER.COM. By clicking "Agree" you confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms set forth here in this Consignment Terms and Conditions page. 


The Consignor warrants, represents, and attests that he/she is at least 18 years of age, is the legal owner of all goods consigned, and has legal right to enter into this agreement.


Consignment items are accepted Wednesday and Friday, from 11AM to 6PM, by appointment only.


Upon receipt of an item, We will evaluate it to determine, in Our sole discretion, its quality and value. If accepted, the item's condition will affect the valuation and pricing. We reserve the right to accept or reject an item for any reason, but generally to be accepted, the Consigned Property must be in good to pristine condition, align with current trends, seasonably suitable, and correspond to inventory needs. 


Typical Seasonal Schedule:​​



February - August

Septemner - January


Nest Proper reserves the right to determine the selling price of all items.


Unless We have agreed otherwise in writing to a specific price at which a specific item must be Sold, We, in our sole discretion, will determine the initial selling price for each item of Consigned Property (the “Initial Sale Price”) based on Our evaluation of that item and the current re-sale market price for that item. 


In order to market and promote the sale of each item of Consigned Property, We may in Our sole discretion apply an immediate discount to the item of Consigned Property, which will affect its Initial Sale Price, unless We have otherwise agreed in writing that such discount is not permitted, or if We have agreed that a discount is permitted only with Your prior written consent.  


If item(s) are not sold within 30 days, a 25% reduction in the sale price will be applied. 


We may offer additional discounts and promotions during the Consignment Period if items are not sold within 30 days, at Our sole discretion and without notice to You, to efficiently market and sell the Consigned Property, unless We have otherwise agreed in writing that further discounts are not permitted, or We have agreed that such discounts are permitted only with Your prior written consent. We will not discount items more than 50% of the original sale price. 


We will pay You, the Consignor, a Commission on each item of Consigned Property that is Sold. 


There is a 60/40 split of revenue from the sale of consigned items, 60% to Nest Proper and 40% to the Consignor. For example, if You, the Consignor, had three items of Consigned Property that sold for a total net selling price of $100, You will receive $40 in commission and Nest Proper will receive $60. 


Consignors will be paid by check at the end of the business quarter in which the item is sold. In order to receive Commissions, You must provide Us with all necessary information, including but not limited to a valid email address, postal address, and first and last name. Checks are void after 90 days.


There will be a consignment period of a minimum of 60 days applied to each consignment item. The start and end dates of the consignment period will be outlined on the Inventory Sheet. The beginning of the consignment period will be in effect upon execution of the Consignor Agreement.


It is the responsibility of the Consignor to know when the consignment period expires. Upon expiration of the consignment period, items must be picked up within 14 days. Any item left more than 14 days after the end of the contract period will be considered abandoned and become the property of Nest Proper, is subject to disposal, or will be donated to a charity of Our choice. At this point, Nest Proper will have no further obligations to the undersigned Consignor for account inquiries, accounting information, or contract settlements. 


Unsold articles may be reclaimed by personally locating the item(s) in Nest Proper and by signing the "Release Date" section of the Inventory Sheet (provided after submission is reviewed and accepted). Nest Proper also reserves the right to remove items from boutique floor to create space for new inventory and/or when items no longer fit overall curation of boutique merchandise.


Although good care is taken of the articles consigned with Nest Proper, everything is left at the Owner's risk. Nest Proper is not responsible for loss due to fire, theft or damages. We will do our very best to monitor and care for your items!


You will be required to provide accurate contact, payment, and other applicable information. We will not be responsible for communication errors should Your information be inaccurate or incomplete. You are responsible for ensuring that You can receive emails from Us, and We are not responsible for any emails that were not received by You because they were blocked or filtered as spam. If You fail to provide Us with accurate and up to date information: (a) We will not be responsible for any misapplied payments or payments sent to a wrong address, and (b) any unclaimed funds may be subject to collection by governmental authorities under applicable unclaimed funds and escheat laws. We have no obligation to You if any of Your unclaimed funds are turned over to governmental authorities. Checks that are not cashed or deposited within 90 days will be considered void.


Consignor is responsible for knowing their assigned vendor code. It will be used to reference our account. 

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